Julia Hughes, born July 23, 1905 in Brownsville, Haywood, Tennessee. She died November 23, 1991.
Julia married Seoilure Ellerson Sr in 1932.
Julia married Albert Singleton.
Descendants of Julia Ellerson
Unfortunately there is no picture found of Julia Hughes. According to a 1920 U.S Census data, Julia was living with Seoilure Ellerson Sr’s family. For in this document, Seoilure Sr. was living with his parents James Westley and Mary “Minnie” Williams.
Later on in 1940, according to a U.S census data document, Julia married Albert Singleton. There she raised Maureen, Seoilure and Pearlie Mae. Also, Julia’s father Riley Hughes lived with them. We are unsure if Albert Singleton Jr. is Julia’s biological son.